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Zoonotic Disease Prioritization for Inter-sectoral Engagement in Cameroon
Summary of the methodology, process and results from a zoonotic diasease prioritization in Cameroon.
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Shipment booking form for COVID-19 clinical samples
WHO is working with World Courier to make easy the process of sample shipment to reference laboratories for COVID-19 testing. This form is therefore used to book a shipment of COVID-19 samples through world courier.
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IHR Key Obligations and Rights for States Parties, Summary Table
The table summarizes the key obligations and rights for States Parties contained in the International Health Regulations (2005)
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Principles of emergency management and emergency operations centers (EOC)
This book is based on more than four decades of experience and provides a clear and up-to-date understanding of how an EOC should operate within the guidance of various federal and national programs.
Relevant Section: 57-63 & 281-299,163-281
Danish Executive Order on Securing Specific Biological Substances, Delivery Systems and Related Materials
Executive Order on securing specific biological substances, delivery systems and related materials.
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Ebola risk communication project in Liberia: Lessons in crisis communication
This report seeks to summarize and to discuss the types and qualities of Ebola-related communication strategies used in Liberia during the 2014-2016 Ebola epidemic.
Relevant Section: 79-85
National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance: Government of India
AMR national action plan from India.
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An Efficient and Practical Approach to Biosecurity
Book detailing important steps for instituting a biosecurity system and legislation. The book builds from Denmark's process and lessons learned implementing a comprehensive biosecurity law and system.
Relevant Section: 29-36
TEPHINET Member Programs
List/overview of 71 global field epidemiology training programs.
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Government of Kenya National Action Plan on Prevention and Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance 2017-2022
National action plan for prevention and containment of AMR from Kenya.
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Risk Communication and Public Health
This book covers the theoretical and research background on risk communication, presents a wide range of contemporary case studies, and concludes with an analysis of the lessons learned and recommendations for the future.
Relevant Section: Ch 5
Competencies for Population Health Professionals
This report outlines a set of skills desirable for professionals that work in hospital, health system, public health, healthcare systems who are engaged in the assessment of population health needs and the development, delivery, and improvement of population health programs, services, and practices.
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Event Based Surveillance- Promed
Newly described or unknown diseases, epidemics, and outbreaks•Emergence of diseases in new areas or populations, Emphasis on diseases of plants and animals that might affect human populations, Upholds “One Health” and recognizes the importance of diseases that affect plants and animals of agricultural importance, as well as zoonoses
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One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization for Multisectoral Engagement in Burkina Faso
Country Specific zoonotic disease prioritization reports from Burkina Faso.
Relevant Section: 9-13
One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization for Multisectoral Engagement in Tanzania
Country specific zoonotic disease prioritization workshop reports from Tanzania.
Relevant Section: 15-18
One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization for Multi-Sectoral Engagement in Uganda
Summary of the methodology, process, and results of a zoonotic disease prioritization workshop in Uganda.
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Enhancing Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Management for Vulnerable Populations: Literature Review
This literature review seeks to describe promising communication strategies for public health emergency risk communication, summarize the quality and content of the existing peer-reviewed literature, and identify gaps in knowledge.
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Effective Public Health Emergency Laws: A Legal Guide
This guide identifies twelve characteristics of effective public health emergency laws based on the lessons of Covid-19. The guide describes the key necessary elements for each characteristic, provides assessment questions to evaluate whether the legal framework achieves these features, and cites additional resources. The guide is intended as an educational tool for legal and non-legal stakeholders.
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Financial Management of Emergency Response Costs during Provincial Activations.
Provides an outline of the main financial management policies and procedures in effect, in British Columbia (Canada), when dealing with emergency response costs incurred during the activation of the provincial emergency management response structure.
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MSB Handbook: Evaluation of Exercises (Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (2011)
The handbook of evaluation primarily targets professionals and practitioners within authorities, municipalities or organisations, who already possess a good level of knowledge about training operations in general. The handbook is part of MSB’s support of methods aimed at developing actors’ ability to conduct and evaluate exercises independently.
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